Call for Abstract

5th International Conference on Physics, will be organized around the theme “Theme: "Unveiling the Frontiers of Physics: Pioneering Innovations for Tomorrow's World"”

Physics 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Physics 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

A subfield of physics known as electromagnetics studies the electromagnetic force, which controls the physical interactions between electricity and magnetism. Electromagnetism is one of the four basic forces. On the other hand, electron flow is studied and controlled in electronics. Microelectronics, embedded systems, digital electronics, and analogy electronics are important areas of electronics.

A wide range of specialized fields are included in applied physics, including biophysics, semiconductor physics and devices, astrophysics and space physics, condensed matter, lasers and quantum electronics, high-speed optoelectronics, free-electron laser physics, vacuum tunnelling, and non-destructive testing.

  • Accelerator physics
  • Acoustics
  • Atmospheric physics
  • Biophysics
  • Brain–computer interfacing

The study of atoms as distinct systems made up of electrons and a nucleus is the main goal of atomic physics. Molecular physics, on the other hand, studies the physical characteristics of molecules. Using and creating light sources that range over the electromagnetic spectrum, from microwaves to X-rays, is the focus of optical physics. It includes the production and detection of light, lasers, spectroscopy, linear and nonlinear optical processes, and more.

There is a tight connection between these three branches. Naturally, they address spectroscopic analysis, the production of lasers and masers, the optical characteristics of matter, and the theory and applications of electromagnetic radiation emission, absorption, and scattering from atoms and molecules.

  • Atomic nucleus
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Optical engineering
  • Quantum optics
  • Optical coherence tomography

The study of basic particles originating from astronomical sources is the focus of the branch of "astro-particle physics" in particle physics, which brings together particle physics and astronomy. Contrarily, the origins and evolution of the universe are the focus of cosmology. The multidisciplinary science of particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology has been created via collaboration, with major input from the neutrino oscillation finding.

Astro-particle physics includes high- and low-energy neutrino astronomy, particle cosmology, very high energy (VHE) and ultra-high energy (UHE) gamma-ray astronomy, and high- and low-energy cosmic-ray physics. The large-scale organization of matter in the universe, general relativity, cosmic ray origins, magnetohydrodynamics, star dynamics and evolution, galaxy formation and evolution, and physical cosmology—which includes string astronomy and astro-particle physics—are the main fields of study in cosmology.

  • Dark Matter
  • Charged Cosmic Radiation
  • Gamma-Ray Astronomy
  • High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics
  • Low-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics

Astrophysics is a field of classical astronomy that studies global objects and events by combining physics and astronomy. Numerous other industries, including optics, solar panels, electronics, advanced computing, communication satellites, and MRI scanners are impacted by astrophysics research. Even if the real-world benefits of astrophysics research might not be seen right away, its final impact will undoubtedly be substantial and important.

  • Radio astronomy.
  • Optical astronomy.
  • Infrared astronomy.
  • Ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma ray astronomy using space telescopes.
  • Cosmology

Molecular biophysics studies biological questions akin to molecular biology and biochemistry, with the aim of clarifying the fundamental physical principles of bio molecular mechanisms. The links between many biological processes, such as the interactions and control of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, are investigated by researchers in the area of biology.

  • Structural Biophysics and Protein Dynamics
  • Systems Neuroscience
  • Molecular Microscopy and Optical Probes
  • Cell Signaling and Cellular Physiology
  • Computational Biology and Genomics

The behaviour of matter and energy on a normal, observable scale is the focus of classical physics, whereas contemporary physics focuses on these entities' behaviour at very large or very microscopic sizes, or in extreme conditions. Whereas in classical physics time and space were absolute and separate ideas, in modern physics they are relative and connected. Classical physics is made composed of the disciplines of mechanics, optics, and audio. Quantum mechanics, relativity, and cosmology are among the subject matter covered in modern physics.

  • Classical mechanics. Newton's laws of motion
  • Classical electrodynamics
  • Classical thermodynamics
  • Special relativity and general relativity
  • Classical chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics

The study of the physical characteristics of matter in its condensed state, when particles are tightly bonded to one another, is the focus of the field of condensed matter physics. It has strong ties to atomic physics and biology and mainly depends on the concepts of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic. Condensed matter physics research has produced many novel discoveries, including the discovery of the semiconductor transistor, improvements in laser technology, and a host of phenomena investigated in the field of nanotechnology.

  • Anderson impurity model
  • Colloid vibration current
  • Degenerate semiconductor
  • Dynamic electrophoretic mobility
  • Electric-field screening

Electromagnetic force is a fundamental force in physics that is explored in relation to the interactions between electricity and magnetism. Controlling electron flow, on the other hand, is the focus of this branch of electronics. Several areas of electronics, including microelectronics, embedded systems, digital electronics, and analog electronics, study different facets of influencing electron behavior.

  • Dipoles and Monopoles
  • Strength of magnetic field
  • Permeability, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and diamagnetism
  • Cause of magnetism
  • Retentivity
  • Inductance

A subfield of physics studies collisions or decays with energy in the hundreds of megaelectronvolt range with the goal to understand the characteristics and behaviors of elementary particles. Investigating nuclear matter in harsh environments, such the Quark-Gluon Plasma that persisted for about a microsecond after the Big Bang, is the focus of high-energy nuclear research. Once classified as subjects under particle physics, this discipline has expanded to include the study of exotic mesons, multi-GeV reactions, and the quark-gluon plasma.

  • Nuclear decay
  • Nuclear fusion
  • Nuclear fission
  • Production of "heavy" elements
  • Nuclear matter

The field of physics known as "atomic material science and particle physics" is devoted to the investigation of nuclear cores, their components, and their interactions. One major area of atomic material science is the period of atomic power. Nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear weapons technology, particle implantation in the production of materials, and the application of radiocarbon dating in geography and archaeology are just a few of the fields in which this study has sparked breakthroughs.

  • High-density matter
  • Ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
  • Quark Gluon Plasma
  • Rapidity and Pseudo-Rapidity
  • Quark-gluon plasma density

Condensed matter physics contains a subgroup called material physics that specializes in the study of materials' physical characteristics, especially those of complicated multiphase fluids that are important for future technological developments. This subject is essential for developing novel materials with exceptional functions, such as nanotechnology and biomaterials, by utilizing basic notions in condensed matter. Its uses cover a wide range of industries, such as resource efficiency, materials engineering, medicine, and climate protection.

  • Classical mechanics.
  • Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
  • Electromagnetism and photonics.
  • Relativistic mechanics.
  • Quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and molecular physics.

Current Oncology's Medical Physics section seeks to contribute analyses and perspectives on significant developments in image-guided adaptive radiation treatment. It includes critical evaluations of cutting-edge and well-established medical technology. The application of physics ideas, concepts, and techniques to the practice of medicine or healthcare is known as medical physics.

  • Medical imaging physics.
  • Radiation therapeutic physics.
  • Nuclear medicine physics.
  • Health physics.
  • Non-ionizing Medical Radiation Physics.
  • Physiological measurement.

Nanotechnology is the study of materials and devices on a billionth of a meter scale. This is a very active topic that is important to engineering, molecular materials research, applied physics, and basic physics. Numerous industries, including information technology, homeland security, healthcare, energy, and transportation, are being completely transformed by nanotechnology.

  • Carbon black, carbon nanotubes, graphene, fullerene nanofibers fullerene
  • Silica fumes
  • Clay
  • Metal/alloys
  • Ceramics

The goal of contemporary materials science is to comprehend the atomic-level variables affecting material characteristics and use this understanding to improve the attributes of already existing materials or develop whole fresh materials and functions. This method frequently results in the discovery of novel physics, opening up previously unimaginable opportunities. Material physics and chemistry advances are responsible for many of the major societal changes we witness, such as the exponential rise of computing and the internet or the constant increase in the average longevity.

Researchers use a variety of techniques, frequently centered on particle beam scattering, to examine the behavior and structure of atoms. A probe with an energy level that corresponds to the atomic spacing and a wavelength that is comparable to that of atoms in materials would be "ideal" for studying atomic structure since it would allow the study of atomic dynamics. For energy to penetrate materials deeply and prevent considerable scattering from electron or nucleus charges, it would be charged. The probe would have a suitable magnetic moment and scatter evenly from heavy and light atoms, making magnetism easier to study. Its scattering cross-section would also be exactly measurable, allowing for direct comparison with computer simulations and theoretical models.

  • Elastic neutron scattering
  • Quasielastic/inelastic neutron scattering
  • Spin-echo instrument
  • Diffractometers
  • Monochromator

A particle accelerator is a device that is used to accelerate fundamental particles, such protons or the electrons, to very high energies. The creation of charged particle cables, which are useful in several scientific domains, is the primary function of a particle accelerator. Linear accelerators and circle accelerators are the two main types of particle accelerators. Linear accelerators create a straight path for particles, whereas spiral accelerators create a circular track for them. Although circular accelerators are employed for both fixed-target studies and colliding beam experiments, linear ones are mostly used in fixed-target studies.

  • Electrodynamic particle accelerators
  • Magnetic induction accelerators
  • Linear accelerators
  • Circular or cyclic RF accelerators
  • Betatrons

The study of charged particles and fluids in the presence of electric and magnetic fields is known as plasma science. A mixture of positively and negatively charged particles that behave collectively makes up plasma. Applications of this field include accelerator physics, controlled fusion, space and astrophysics, and beam storage. Furthermore, nanotechnology and plasma physics are being coupled to produce catalytic fuel cell electrodes that require just 25 % of the platinum required by conventional electrodes. Future "green" car development is anticipated to be greatly impacted by these developments.

  • Dipoles and Monopoles
  • Strength of magnetic field
  • Permeability, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and diamagnetis
  • Cause of magnetism
  • Retentivity
  • Inductance

The study of the tiniest particles—which are thought to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe—is known as quantum physics. Understanding the characteristics of solids, atoms, nuclei, subatomic particles, and light is crucial. Subfields within quantum physics include quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum teleportation. Quantum cryptography entails sending confidential messages via a quantum channel while guaranteeing safe keys via the use of techniques like quantum key distribution. Quantum bits, or qubits, are used by quantum computers to increase processing capability. Furthermore, the most accurate timekeeping apparatus, atomic clocks, depend on quantum physics to maintain their precision. Through a technique called squeezing, quantum methods also make it possible to reduce noise in laser beams.

  • Quantum cryptography
  • Quantum simulation
  • Quantum metrology
  • Quantum engineering
  • Quantum sensing

Modern physics is based on the theoretical framework of quantum theory, which describes the properties and behaviors of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic sizes. These phenomena are studied by quantum physics, which focuses on how tiny things behave in relation to quantum mechanics. A discrete quantity or portion is referred to as a "quantum". The intrinsic uncertainty of quantum physics—that is, the inability to predict with absolute confidence the result of a single experiment on a quantum system—is among its most unexpected and contentious features.

  • Quantum Realm
  • Quantum field theory
  • Quantum information science
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Quantum interference

The term "radiation protection" describes the collection of rules, laws, instruments, and procedures designed to shield individuals from radiation exposure. This includes radiation workers, the general public, and patients undergoing radiation therapy and assessment. This field was established within the early 1900s, shortly after radiation and radioactivity were found. The quick discovery of X-rays' beneficial health impacts for diagnosis along with their detrimental side effects, such radiation burns, led to the development of radiation protective protocols. Initially, the protection for practitioners was the main focus of these efforts rather than the safety of patients.

  • Traditional Lead Shielding
  • Lead Composite Shielding
  • Lead-Free Shielding
  • Radiation therapy
  • Diagnostic imaging

Contrary to what Newton proposed, matter does more than simple draw other matter across empty space. Rather, space-time is deformed by matter, and subsequent matter is influenced by this distorted space-time. Because the shortest path, or geodesic, in warped space-time is curved, objects, even planets like Earth, follow their own inertia as they travel through space-time.

  • Einstein Theory of Relativity.
  • Relativism
  • Special relativity
  • General relativity
  • Cosmological